Tuesday 22 May 2007

Hello! Southport!!!! and stuff!

Heya! Yay not long til i go to southport!!! Me and my mom are going up first to see my moms school friend judy she's lovely! Then my dads coming up a few days later and then we go home lol. I love going , we have such a great time and such a laugh it's ace!
Ummmm yeh so my life at the moment is quite boring lol Oh apart from i'm going to stay at my friend jo's house on wednesday ( have a look at her blog, i have her link on my page.) which will be fun and then we are looking after my nephew for about four days! I'm going to be sooooo tired and then we go to Southport so quite a busy time for me at the moment, a good time but a busy one!:D At my church every saturday we do an open air in the near by town, it hasn't been going amazingly seen as no one wants to listen but i know that God knows what we are doing and hopefully we can witness to more people! So yeh that was my blog for today i'm quite bored actually cos my mom is at my grandads! So i'm all on my lonesome never mind!
Bye luvs u all! ~Hannah~xxxxx

Tuesday 15 May 2007


Hello! I know i promised to remeber to write well i forgot. Sorry! I don't actually know if anyone reads these posts anyway! Never mind, it is a way to express myself!
The only thing that has really dominated my life since i last posted is my extra dance classes which take up most of my free time. I do really feel like i should set apart more time for prayer and to read my bible, so i am going to slot that into my day to day life whatever is takes.
I realised that i do actually lead a fairly boring life and have vowed that when i am older and am living my own life i will try to make is more interesting by traveling the world or busying myself by seeing friends and family, but then again we all make plans in life that we can never stick to, as it is that God always has a different plan for your life than what you think.
So here i am just me nothing more nothing less, leading my little life trying to get by each day ( even when getting out of bed every morning seems to be getting less and less appealing!) and hoping something will come along to stir it up a bit! Anyway gotta go i will probably forget to post again so don't hold your breath. ~Hannah~xxx